The National Stroke Association says that “Recovery from stroke is a lifelong process. For many people, recovery begins with formal rehabilitation, which can restore independence by improving physical, mental and emotional functions. It is important for you and your family to know that no matter where you are in your recovery journey, there is always hope.”
Post-stroke rehabilitation can include inpatient rehab in a hospital and/or skilled nursing facility, to home health services, to outpatient settings.
All of these settings are familiar to Donald, a survivor of 3 strokes. Donald chose to receive outpatient physical therapy services at DOAR Central in Danville, Virginia. He is currently an Alumni Program participant.
In this video, he shares how physical therapy helped him recover from the effects stroke. Donald shares that at first, he was skeptical about the benefits of physical therapy. He now attributes physical therapy to his ability to walk without the assistance of a cane or a walker.