Janice’s physical therapy story began in the summer of 2010, when she fell down a set of concrete steps. She broke her humerus bone, which is the upper arm bone that connects the elbow to the shoulder. After undergoing surgery and physical therapy, Janice was still in pain nearly a year later. She decided to obtain a second opinion from another doctor, who recommended a total shoulder replacement surgery.
After this second surgery, Janice began physical therapy at DOAR South Boston, where she worked with Mike McClellan, MPT and Amy Comer, PTA.

Janice describes her physical therapy experience below:
When I first started physical therapy, my muscles were just mush! I was unable to raise my hand to wipe off a mirror, or wipe down the kitchen counter. I couldn’t reach up in my closet to take down a hanger. On day one of therapy, I couldn’t do any of the weight machines, even with zero weight. I could barely raise two pounds of weight.
Now, I actually have muscle. I can pull down 20 pounds, and I can raise six pounds. I can do basic housework again. I am still working on getting my hand back behind my head to use my flat iron – but I’m almost there!
Before my accident, I enjoyed walking for exercise. Now, I know I have to continue my arm routine, so I still come exercise about twice a week through the Alumni Program. I’m still working on strengthening my arm, and it is helping a lot. I’ve worked too hard to let it go!
I wouldn’t be as far as I am now if it hadn’t been for good therapists and my determination. The staff here has been my cheerleading squad. I owe everything to them – they’re a great bunch!
Janice works at the Department of Motor Vehicles. She lives in Clover, Virginia with her husband.