Using proper running form is just one way to help prevent running injuries. There are several other things to keep in mind that will help you avoid injuries while running.
- Make sure to incorporate rest days into your training. Your body needs days off every once in a while, so schedule some days to recover from harder runs.
- Get enough sleep. After a hard run, your body needs rest to repair. Strive for 8 hours a night, especially if you are regularly active during the day. Not getting enough sleep will compromise your performance.
- Stay hydrated and eat nutritious meals with plenty of carbohydrates and protein before and after a run.
- Be sure to warm up and cool down for at least 5-15 minutes and stretch after your run.
- Increase your training regimen slowly, no more than 10% per week, to allow your leg tissues manageable amounts to repair and adapt to.
- Listen to your body and know your limits. You should never ignore pains. Reduce or stop your running for several days until the pain goes away.
- Replace your running shoes often. Use them only for running, and replace them every 500 miles or so.
- Don’t race too often or train too hard. Running at your maximal speed as you do in races is more likely to cause injury, as it takes a heavy toll on your body.
Remember that it is better in the long run to allow your body the proper time to rest and recover than to push yourself too hard and end up seriously injured.