Adam is a catcher for the Martinsville Mustangs, a summer collegiate baseball team. The season started May 31st, but Adam is hopeful to make his first appearance in the next few games. He has been on the DL (disabled list) because he sprained his ankle during the last game of the season at the University of Tampa.
Adam says, “I could walk and jog, but I couldn’t move my ankle laterally or jump. I didn’t feel comfortable with my ankle, so I was overcompensating by putting my weight on my other leg.”
As a catcher, these movements are critical. With the help of physical therapy services at Martinsville Physical Therapy (Martinsville, VA), Adam hopes to be back on the field very soon. Tim Armstrong, LPTA, says, “We have designed an exercise program to include sports-specific exercises that are functional and tailored to the physical demands of the catcher position.”
The goal is to help Adam increase his ankle strength, mobility and flexibility so that he can come off of the DL and also prevent further injury. If this goal is achieved, Adam says, “I’ll be able to play baseball again, not hurt my ankle repeatedly, and not get out of rhythm.”
Adam and the team at Martinsville Physical Therapy are pleased with the progress so far. Adam says, “I feel like I can do everything now – sprint, jog, jump, change direction… I’m confident in my leg and my ankle that I’m not going to hurt it again.”
To catch Adam at a game, check out the Martinsville Mustangs schedule at

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