Barbara is a current patient at Therasport Physical Therapy in Summerfield. Barbara started physical therapy in April after she tore her rotator cuff and had surgery to repair it. She works with Diana Rizza, PT and Darlene Page. .
What were your goals and what types of activities were you unable to do before starting services?
I wanted to regain my mobility and strength. I’m an artist, so reaching up is important if you’re working on a big canvas. I was also unable to do daily chores like brushing my teeth, fixing my hair, or reaching into a cabinet to get a glass.
How would you describe your progress toward your goals?
I’ve made tremendous strides — night and day. I had to go buy an electric toothbrush, and now I can brush my teeth and dress myself. I’m still working on reaching.
What is your favorite and least favorite part of each visit?
My favorite part is just being here around nice people and working on my goal to get full use of my arm. My least favorite part is that the stretching hurts, although it is for your benefit. No pain, no gain!
How would you describe the styles of your physical therapist?
She’s been great; she’s very methodical. Her emotions are smooth, and she is gentle and firm. I have been doing exercises at home that Diana gave me, and it has helped. I have had an excellent all around experience with Diana and Darlene.
If a friend was recommended for physical therapy services, but was skeptical about starting, what would you say?
It’s well worth the time and money to be able to function to your full capacity.