Alice is a patient at Therasport Physical Therapy in Summerfield. She previously received physical therapy at Therasport after she had arthoscopic surgery on her knee. So when she started having some knee pain on the other leg, she returned to Therasport, and she is currently working with Diana Rizza, PT.
What are your goals?
Reducing pain. I couldn’t walk distances without pain or climb up and down the stairs. My doctor suggested physical therapy, and I want to avoid surgery. We are going on a trip to Prague, so I want to get my knees so they don’t hurt.
How would you describe your progress toward your goals?
The first time, I improved my range of motion and reduced my pain level. Everything really improved. I am still working this time.
How would you describe the style of your physical therapist?
Diana is very good — there is a lot of warmth that is very nice and not often found. She always asks how I’m doing, what my pain level is, and if I’m able to do things I haven’t before.
What is your typical routine each visit?
Ultrasound, leg exercises, Biodex, bike, leg press. We added a weight today and increased the time. I know I’m working toward a goal, and you know the end product is good.