Aislinn Hundley Rhodes is a third year Doctor of Physical Therapy student at Elon University in Elon, North Carolina. She is currently completing a six month clinical internship at TheraSport Physical Therapy under the instruction of Diana Rizza, PT.
Prior to pursuing a career in physical therapy, Aislin worked as a board-certified dietitician at a community clinic serving pregnany and post-partum women, as well as infants and children under age 5. She holds a bachelors degree in dietetics from the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia.
Aislinn is native of Cary, North Carolina.
Why are you pursuing a career in physical therapy?
I worked as a physical therapy tech for 2 years in Athens, Georgia for an outpatient clinic. I have wanted to be a PT ever since going with my grandpa to his PT session after getting his knee replaced. That was 17 years ago, and I am finally meeting my goal of becoming a physical therapist!
What role does the clinical rotation play in your physical therapy education?
To me, my clinical rotations are the most important part of the education we get. Book learning is very important but con only take one so far- in the clinic is where you get to see what you have really learned, and continue to learn from great clinicians who have been in this field and love it!
What were you looking for in a clinical instructor and clinical site?
I was looking for someone who was knowledgeable, always learning but passionate about what they do. Also, I work best when I get to do things, especially new things, so I wanted to be with someone who would help challenge me everyday.
What are your goals for your clinical rotation?
My goals are to learn as much as possible, not just about how to evaluate a patient and transition their treatments to meet their goals, but also how to connect with different people and be a better observer. If you really pay attention to people and what they are doing, it can tell you a lot!
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